Talks for Group - Guy In The Sky

Talks for Groups
Guy In The Sky

Guy Bartlett - The Aeroplane Man

Virtual Talks

What is a Virtual Talk? 

Since the lockdown, introduced to reduce the spread of COVID-19, many of my face-to-face presentations have been postponed. A number of groups were still keen to have a presentation and so I now offer all of my face-to-face presentations as virtual talks too.

A virtual talk offers the same high quality presentation but is viewed on a computer or smart phone rather than in a hall or similar meeting place. These are 100% safe as participants don't need to mingle with others. They are cheaper too!


How Does It Work ?

A virtual talk takes place using the Zoom internet-based platform. Zoom is free of charge to download and easy to set up.  If you can view a web page on the internet you can use Zoom! Many groups started using Zoom during the pandemic. It's a great way to allow speakers to entertain your members, and is especially useful, as speakers are no longer limited to your locality. For example, I live in Kent, but have given Zoom presentations to groups in France and Scotland. 


How Long Do The Talks Last?

Zoom talks last for either 45 or 60 minutes. The cost is the same for each. The hour sessions go into more detail, and are obviously better value for money. There is always time for Q&A to finish.


What's The Cost?
As there is no travelling involved all my virtual talks are the same price. The cost for a presentation is £75. Please be aware that this also includes electronic lecture notes that can be distributed by the event organiser before the session begins. Just ask for them when you book.



Please be aware that the host of the Zoom talk will need to give Guy access to screen sharing. It is recommended that you understand how to do this before the presentation takes place. Unfortunately, technical assistance cannot be provided to third parties in relation to Zoom.


Review of Concorde Virtual Talk for
Chatham Naval Officers Association (CNOA)

"Guy provided an exceptional virtual talk for our group. It was well received by all and his use of video footage, commentary and attention to detail made it
the best virtual talk we have had to date


Lieutenant Commander
Jon Vanns MCGI FinstLM RNR